As part of the implementation of Online Standards Development (OSD) within CEN, projects developed in the tool can now use the Member Commenting feature during Enquiry (40.20). This training session, which includes a live demo and a Q&A session, will detail how to use the OSD to gather national comments from National Mirror Committees (NMCs) in two different ways.
What's the difference with traditional Enquiry process ? The CEN OSD platform has been built to allow Members to decide either to use the full capability of the platform and comments directly in the OSD, or to continue gathering comments using the usual Commenting template. Regardless of the option chosen by Members to collect national comments, all Members must submit their national comments in the Online Document before the ballot closes.
Two options will be available to collect national comments:
Option A: National commenting in OSD (available only for members managing NMCs in the Global Directory)
OSD platform used to gather comments from NMC experts, consolidate comments and submit comments to CEN. Comments from Members of the public will still need to be gathered using your usual tools before consolidation.
Option B: Upload national comments from commenting file (available for all members)
National comments gathered using the commenting template and consolidated commenting file uploaded to the OSD platform.
Target audience: CEN Voters (Enq) and their support team, CEN Centralized Voters, CEN National secretaries and their support team.
Is this new process applicable to all projects? It will be applicable to all projects that have been drafted completely in OSD.