UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Toolbox
CEN and CENELEC recently implemented the revised New Work Item (NWI) form to include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as decided by the Technical Boards (BT 022/2021/D169/003).
In early 2021, CEN and CENELEC decided to embark on a project to achieve the UN SDGs in a more systematic approach to standards. Similar projects are also ongoing at ISO and IEC level. In the European context, the topic is high on the agenda with recently adopted key initiatives and this supports the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030.
To guide you, we have prepared a Toolbox (available here in the General section) with tailored digital information on the UN SDGs. The toolbox is an expert level guide for the Technical Committees to understand what the individual SDG means and how it can relate to a standard.