CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum PPE - Workshop "Smart PPE – standardization for design and use”
In our daily life, we see more and more 'smart' products appearing, also in garments and other (protective) equipment. Standardization of this type of products was initialized in 2017. Following previous workshops, information exchange is essential for standardization activities but also legislative acts and recommendations for certification bodies. Horizontal issues that have to be solved for all sectors together. This includes to prove compliance with EU legal requirements, for instance on the protective functionalities.
The existing Livelink “Common Purchase Agreement” (CPA) will come to an end on 2022-12-31. In this context CEN and CENELEC initiated in 2020 a migration of the different platforms hosted on Livelink. The objective of this webinar is to give an overview of the overall migration plan but also to give a particular focus on the migration of the platforms that will have a more substantial impact for the CEN members (eg: PROJEXDATA, eTrans).
The budget of the HAS assessment contract ended at the beginning of February 2022 and further requests for assessment will no longer be processed by the HAS contractor within the current contract. This webinar aims at providing guidance to CEN and CENELEC Technical Bodies on how to proceed during the gap between HAS contracts. Additionally, the novelties of the upcoming HAS assessment contract will be presented to the participants of the webinar.
Target audience: BT members and BT permanent delegates, CEN and CENELEC TBO Officers, WG convenors
Highlights in Circular Economy standardization in CEN and CENELEC
Do you think you need to start doing something about Circular Economy or Material Efficiency for your products, or in your TC, but don’t know how to start? Do you want to learn what other CEN or CENELEC TCs have already done or are planning to do in this field in their TCs? Then this workshop is for you! [...]
Webinar 'Dating of Normative references in EN ISOs harmonized standards'
This webinar aims in providing a tool to Working Groups having to base EN harmonized standard onto ISO standard; the tool foresees to include a second table in the Annex ZA to establish the correspondence between the undated references of clause 2 in the ISO standard and dated EN ISO. Additionally, it will also give a reminder on the correct dating of normative reference in harmonized standards. [...]
Following CEN BT decision 022/2021 on the approval of the NWIP form to be applied as of 10 January 2022, the recording of the webinar to explain toTBOs the novelties of the new form is made available by CCMC. [...]
The Technical Body Seminar provides Technical Body Officers with an overview of the major novelties in CEN and CENELEC rules and procedures over the last two years, including future trends and challenges. It also offers a platform where Technical Body Officers share information and exchange ideas on subjects directly related to standardization. [...]
The CEN-CENELEC Technical Body Awards Ceremony aims at paying tribute to a selection of Technical Body Officers. The nomination for the Awards ceremony is made by Members of CEN and CENELEC represented in the Technical Boards, following a strict selection procedure based on the Technical Body Officers' professional and soft skills, as well as a their high degree of commitment, knowledge and expertise. [...]